Tuesday, September 29, 2009


0. Working title: Other Realm
1. Project goals: Exploratory. It's my first time trying to make a serious comic!
2. A project description: I first wanted to do an online comic, but considering my classical training in the non digital medias, I have decided to keep it to a hard copy version of an adventure comic.
3. Specific products of study or deliverables that you will be creating for your project: In regard to media, I'd like to try out photo shop but my fallback is what I'm familiar with- namely ink, acrylic, watercolor, maybe some sharpies. I enjoy mixing medias and am not sure which format I am going to use consistently.
4. Visual and/or written research for your project: So far I found actually a lot of inspiration from the art of the movie 300. I've also found the art of Ukiyo-e prints to be fascinating, and hope to incorporate the lovely landscapes somehow into my own art. We will see!
5. Treatment visuals for your project: None yet so far, but coming soon I expect!
6. A written description of specific technical and research issues you will need to address during the course of your project: I'm looking to make a comic with a dark atmosphere and fantasy environment. I'm particularly interested in drawing ideas from mythology and dream analysis, so one of my specific research goals is to find a good source for both these components that ideally will encompass the main of my story.
7. Timeline:
Monday, Sept. 4th: First page completed
Monday, Sept. 11th: Second and third page completed
So on and so forth until I have more of an idea where I'm going with this

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